Click on the small picture to see a larger version of the picture.
12/11/2014 –Carey Kenyon, traveling from JFK to New Hampshire, delivers the Peace Light to Nadia Gluch in West Hartford, CT.
12/13/2014 – Hartford, CT - St. Michael’s Ukrainian Church – Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization – Hartford Branch shares with scouting members and Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk. The live flame will be maintained until our traditional Svichechka program on 1/11/2015 where we symbolically unite with other Ukrainian scouts around the world through the lighting of candles. |
12/13/2014 – Terryville, CT – St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church – Fr. Paul Luniw welcomed the flame at liturgy and nicely explained it in his sermon. Candle lighting and caroling followed. |
12/14/2014 – New Haven, CT – St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church – Fr. Iura Godenciuc transferred the flame to the eternal light and was shared at the St. Nicholas pageant. |
12/21/2014 – New Britain, CT – St. Josaphat’s Catholic Church – available after services and choral concert. |
12/23/2014 – West Hartford, CT - St. Thomas the Apostle School , West Hartford, CT – Principal Colleen DiSanto receives the Peace Light from Petro Gluch and used it to light the Advent wreath at their prayer service. Each student received a candle infused with the spirit of the Peace Light
Location for map: 25 Dover Rd, West Hartford, CT 06119
12/23/2014 – West Hartford, CT – St. Timothy Middle School – Melania and Petro Gluch relay the Peace Light to Principal Tara Bellefleur and students during prayer service. |
12/24/2014 – Hartford, CT - Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church (Lithuanian) - Rev. Charles E. Jacobs placed the Peace Light in the Nativity display. |
Aidan, Ryan, Jacob and three Cub Scouts delivered the Peace Light to Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Tustin California.
Robin & Robert Perkins |
Aidan, Ryan, Jacob and three Cub Scouts delivered the Peace Light to Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Tustin California.
Robin & Robert Perkins |
The Peace Light from Bethlehem comes to Annunciation Byzantine
Catholic Church in Anaheim California.
Marya Podhayny Weil |
The Peace Light from Bethlehem comes to Annunciation Byzantine
Catholic Church in Anaheim California.
Marya Podhayny Weil |
Merry Christmas from St. Anne's, Reston, Virginia.
Martha Elizabeth |
The Peace Light this evening before our Christmas Eve service.
Our Director of Religious Education gave a wonderful
introduction as to its meaning. We're already talking about a
service involving all members of Girl Scouting and Boy Scouting
at our church for next year! — at Community Unitarian Church at
White Plains NY. |
Tom Woithe with the Peace Light at Newmarket Community Church,
Newmarket, New Hampshire |
The Peace Light hangs from the pulpit on
12/21/14 at the First Parish Church of Groton Massachusetts. |
Thank you for getting the Peace Light so far West. Ukrainian Scouts in LA (Plast) are eternally grateful.
Laryssa Reifel |
Thank you for getting the Peace Light so far West. Ukrainian Scouts in LA (Plast) are eternally grateful.
Laryssa Reifel |
Peace Light visits Sharon Health Care facility, Sharon,
Connecticut. With Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts singing Christmas carols.. Troop 24,
Northwest Hills District, Connecticut Rivers Council.
Lonny Mo |
Peace Light visits Sharon Health Care facility, Sharon,
Connecticut. With Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts singing Christmas carols.. Troop 24,
Northwest Hills District, Connecticut Rivers Council.
Lonny Mo |
Peace Light Ceremony - Troop 395, Shrine of St Bernadette Parish, Albuquerque, NM - December 20, 2014 |
Peace Light Ceremony - Troop 395, Shrine of St Bernadette
Parish, Albuquerque, NM - December 20, 2014 |
Thank you for a really nice ceremonyat Oso Lake Scout Camp,
Mission Viejo, California. My family and I really enjoyed it. We now have our Peace Light at home and are ready to share it with our friends and family.
Judith Magnusen via "Peace Light - North America" Facebook group |
Ukrainian scouts (plastuny) distributed the Peace Light at St. Michael the Archangel Ukranian Catholic Church in Baltimore, MD and at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family in DC. We will be keeping the Peace Light alive until Jan. 19th, so if anyone needs a 'relight' let me know. Merry Christmas!
Reported by Kalyna Durbak via Facebook group "Peace Light - North America" |
Presenting the Peace Light from Bethlehem to Wall Street UMC in Jeffersonville Indiana by the Boy Scout of Troop 1. Marry Christmas to all and peace on earth
Reported by Laryssa Reifel via Facebook group "Peace Light - North America" |
Troop leader from GS 289 shared the
Peace Light with the members of Phoenix Diocese Catholic committee on Scouting.
Reported by Ann Colvin-Smith via Facebook group "Peace Light - North America" |
Peace light shared by Girl Scouts with Our lady of Mount Carmel Catholic community in Tempe Arizona
Reported by Ann Colvin-Smith via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
Peace Light Ceremony at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho, NM on December 19th.
Reported by
Kandy Glaser via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
The Peace Light arrived at Notre Dame of Bethlehem Catholic Church, in Bethlehem, PA .
The flame was received by Father James Harper at the Friday school liturgy. At the beginning of mass, a Cub Scout from Pack 352 lit the Advent wreath with the Peace Light flame.
Reported by
Cathy Schneible via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
GRUPO SCOUT 33, agradece el permitirnos compartir la Luz de la Paz de Belén, con los Scouts de México y sus familias. FELIZ NAVIDAD y BENDICIONES
Scout Group 33, is grateful for allowing us to share the light of the peace of Bethlehem, with the Scouts of Mexico and their families. Merry Christmas and blessings
Reported by Grupo Scout Treintaytres via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
GRUPO SCOUT 33, agradece el permitirnos compartir la Luz de la Paz de Belén, con los Scouts de México y sus familias. FELIZ NAVIDAD y BENDICIONES
Scout Group 33, is grateful for allowing us to share the light of the peace of Bethlehem, with the Scouts of Mexico and their families. Merry Christmas and blessings
Reported by Grupo Scout Treintaytres via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
The Peace Light is on its way from StarShine Academy, Phoenix
Arizona to Orange County California.
Reported by Dave Ruiz via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
Tom and Kandy sharing the Peace Light with Kitty in Denver.
Reported by Kandy Glaser via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
Peace Light delivered in North Platte to Kandy and Tom. They will take it on to Denver and Albuquerque
Reported by Chad Nabity via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
December 12th, 2014 the Peace Light at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Lindenhurst, NY.
Reported by Christopher Ferraro via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
Lanterns are lit and I am heading to North Platte from Grand Island.
Reported by Chad Nabity via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
Alan Strohmaier and Chad Nabity in Stuart Iowa.
Reported by Chad Nabity via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
Ready to leave for the first leg of a journey to move the Peace Light across the state of Nebraska. Grand Island to Stuart Iowa today. Tomorrow Grand Island to Big Springs. Pray for decent weather. Thanking God for gas at $2.37 a gallon.
Reported by Chad Nabity via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
The Peace Light at the Alter of the Our Lady of Czestochowa Church,
Worcester Massachusetts.
Reported by Wiesław Rachoń via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
To Father Gregory Kelly and John Thank you for your service to our Lord, Peace to Milford PA.
Reported by Paul Stanton via Facebook group "Peace Light -
North America" |
On Sunday, 21 December 2014, Ukrainian PLAST Cub Scout Andriy Zajac and his father, Yuriy, shared the Peace Light with the parishioners of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrios during the Sunday Liturgy. Andriy attends the Pythagoras Children's Academy, which is the parochial school of St. Demetrios in Elmhurst, IL.
Yuriy Zajac, Andriy Zajac and Rev. Fr. Andrew Georganas, Ieratikos Proistamenos of the parish.
Ukrainian PLAST Cub Scout, Andriy Zajac, shares the Peace Light by lighting one of the candles from the altar. |
My son received the Peace Light through his Scout Troop 154 and was able to share it with Hindu Temple of Toledo. We also shared the light with our friends in our town. We want to thank the scout from Texas who brought the light to Erie Shores Council and shared a starter lamp kit to help us spread the light. We are so grateful to everyone who has made sure that the Peace Light and the message of Peace travels across the globe. We were thrilled to have our home lighted this year during Christmas and holidays with this historical and holy light.
Tajinder Singh |
The Photo Gallery has continued to grow so it is now split
into three sections.