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12/21/2013 New Haven, CT
St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
Rev. Iura Godenciuc received the
Peace Light from Petro Gluch and placed the Peace Light in the
vigil candle by an icon of the Blessed Virgin.
12/19/2013 West Hartford, CT
St. Timothy Middle School
St. Timothy Middle School received the Peace Light from Nadia Gluch. Petro Gluch reviewed history and journey of Peace Light during the Christmas Prayer service. Each student received a candle infused with the spirit of the Peace Light to relight on Christmas Eve and to share with family and friend through Epiphany. |
12/20/2013 West Hartford, CT
St. Thomas the Apostle School
Principal Colleen DiSanto received the Peace Light from Nadia Gluch and used it for their Christmas Prayer Service to light the advent wreath. Each student received a candle infused with the spirit of the peace light and information card. |
Scouts from Troop 1 Jeffersonville Indiana present the Peace
Light at Wall Street United Methodist Church |
Scouts from Troop 1 Jeffersonville Indiana present the Peace
Light at Wall Street United Methodist Church |
Scouts from Troop 1 Jeffersonville Indiana present the Peace
Light at Wall Street United Methodist Church |
Peace Light distribution at St John's in Frederick, Md. |
Peace Light distribution to girls from Troop 2439, Bay Ridge , Brooklyn, NY. |
Bedford Presbyterian Church, Bedford NH, had three Christmas Eve services - and each one included the passing of the Peace Light!
This is a photo of how the Peace Light was displayed in the sanctuary. It was also used to light the candles on the Advent wreath.
Have a beautiful day and a blessed 2014!
On December 21 The Bethlehem Peace Light was Present at Christmas gathering of Polish scouts, cub scouts, brownies, and was taken to their homes. The Peace Light was available to parishioners after Masses at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Worcester Ma. |
Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Worcester Ma |
Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Worcester Ma |
Delivering the Peace Light 2013 from Bethlehem to St. Johns Episcopal Church Staten Island N.Y.
Gil Schweiger |
Peace Light Growing at the Christmas Eve Mass at St. Johns Episcopal Church Staten Island N. Y.
Merry Christmas to All |
Merry Christmas.
Thank you to all the Peace Light transporters!
Martha Elizabeth |
Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts of Pack 24 & Troop 24,Sharon, Connecticut, USA. Received the Peace Light.
Photo by Lonny Mo |
The New York Chapter of the Worldwide Polish Scouting
Organization, represented by New York Children’s Council Leader,
Scoutmistress Jolanta Nowacka, received the Light at Kennedy
Airport and brought it back to Polish National Home - Warsaw- of
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. |
Dec. 14, at the Worldwide Polish Scouting Organization, New York Chapter, annual Christmas Celebration, the
Peace Light was passed on to Scouts and parents at the Polish National Home - Warsaw- of Greenpoint, Brooklyn,
Polish National Home - Warsaw- of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. The Light made our Celebration very special, symbolically it was handled by all younger and older scouts who lit their own candles and prayed for peace. |
Polish National Home - Warsaw- of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY |
Dec. 14 the Peace Light was also picked up from Scoutmistress Jolanta Nowacka by Brother Bernard of the Pauline Fathers, in the snowstorm, who brought it to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA. |
It was received there by our Chaplain, Father Scoutmaster
Bartlomiej Marciniak, and placed in front of the altar at the
shrine, where many visitors were able to light their candles and
take the light home.
National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA. |
From the shrine, the Light was taken to Philadelphia, where our
scout chapter at the Polish Parish at Bridesburg shared the
light with all Scout families at their annual Christmas
celebration. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures from them as
Dec. 15, 2013 Polish Explorer Scouts brought the Peace
to St. Cyril’s and Methodius Parish, in Brooklyn. The
parishioners truly appreciated the ceremony that our scouts
prepared, and the pastor, Father Tadeusz Maciejowski, was very
pleased, and later encased the light in a very special lantern
to be shared throughout the Christmas weeks.
St. Cyril’s and Methodius Parish |
St. Cyril’s and Methodius Parish |
Polish Explorer Scouts brought the Peace Light to
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church |
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church |
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church |
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church |
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church |
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church |
Beata Pawlikowska (Polish Scout from Chicago) sharing the Peace
Light with Teresa Wiacek (Polish Scout from Detroit area)
12/9/13 |
Teresa Wiacek (Polish Scout from Detroit area), Andrius Tamulis
(Lithuanian Scout), his wife Beata Pawlikowska (Polish Scout
from Chicago) and their daughter Kinga with the Peace Light
12/9/13 |
In Farmington Hills, MI w/ Viktoria (in American Scout uniform) & Karoline (in Polish
Scout uniform) Raczkowski; (Girlscouts USA of SE MI, Troop
#75235) 12/9/13
In the chapel at St. Florian Parish in Hamtramck, MI; Polish Scouts w/Fr. Mirek Frankowski &
Sister Janina; Scouts from Troop "Sloneczna" & "Jaskolki"
Passing on the light to Fr. Slawek Murawka in Our Lady of Czestochowa church, Sterling Heights, MI.
12/14/13 |
Plast Scouts Taisa Browar and Andriy Durbak pass the Peace Light to Ukrainian Scouts in Chicago |
Plast scouts Roman and Marianna Oharenko and Taisa Browar pass the Peacelight to Sts. Volodymyr and Olha in Chicago |
Pastor Oleh Kryvokulsky accepts the Peacelight from Ukrainian Plast Scout Roman Oharenko |
Pastor Oleh Kryvokulsky with the Peace Light at Sts. Volodymyr
and Olha church in Chicago |
Ukrainian Plast Scout Roman Oharenko shares the Peace Light
flame from his lantern with a candle at Sts. Volodymyr and Olha
Ukrainian Catholic Church in Chicago |
The group that attended the
Peace Light ceremony at Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church in Chicago |
Ukrainian Plast Scouts at a Peace Light ceremony |
Ukrainian Plast Scouts at a Peace Light ceremony |
Ukrainian Plast Scouts at a Peace Light ceremony |
On Christmas Eve, the Peace Light from Bethlehem was received at Hawthorne Methodists Church on Lafayette Ave, Hawthorne, NJ & at the West Side Presbyterian Church at 6 S. Monroe St, Ridgewood, NJ
John Hahn |
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The Photo Gallery has continued to grow so it is now split
into five sections.