U.S. News
- Jan 7, 2011 (Gregorian) = Dec 25 (Julian) - Merry Christmas to everyone using the Julian calendar
- New Hampshire Union Leader: Light carries a message to NH from Bethlehem
- Daily Herald: Bethlehem peace light coming to Bloomington
- Rochester Times: Middleton has a great Christmas party
- Eagle-Tribune: Scouts bring "Peace Light" to Granite State
- Winnipeg Free Press: Bethlehem Peace Light to shine brightly on city
- Fort Stockton Pioneer: Peace Light
- KY3: Peace Light Travels from Bethlehem to the Ozarks
- KY3 (video): Peace Light Comes to the Ozarks
- Des Moines Register: Peace Light makes its journey from Bethlehem to Iowa
- Topeka Capital-Journal: Peace Light Arrives in Topeka
- Joplin Globe: Scout council bringing "Peace Light" to Joplin
- News-Leader.com: Peace Light ceremonies set for Saturday in Springfield
- New Hampshire Union Leader: Light of the world: Shining in New Hampshire
- Bedford Journal: Peace Light Shines On Bedford After Traveling From Israel
- New Hampshire Union Leader: Flame bearing the message of peace makes its NH debut
- North Jersey.com : Kelly - A flame of peace burns brightly
- Danville Republican: Danville United Methodist Hosts "Peace Light"
- KSHB Kansas Ciy: Peace Light from Bethlehem Arrives at Kansas City Heart of America Boy Scout Headquarters
- Trib Today.com: Peace Light Arrives; Flame from Bethlehem spreads to Warren
- Net Currents: Bethlehem Peace Light arrives in New York 11/30/11
- Indian Trails District Newsletter: Bethlehem Peace Light History in Chicago
- Harold - Mail: Peace Light Brought to the Mason-Dixon Council for the First Time
- Kansas City has their own web site: http://www.peacelightkc.com/ Check it out for everything they are doing to spread the Peace Light in Kansas City and surrounding region.
- The 2011 Peace Light has arrived at JFK and is spreading across the North American Continent!
Thank you to everyone who visited the PeaceLight.org web site. You
made 2011 a record year:
Mexican News
South American News
European & Middle Eastern News
- The 2011 Peace Light was lit on Monday November 21 by Sarah Schinwald, an eleven year old student from Upper Austria. This is the 25 the year the Peace Light has traveled to Vienna. Around 400 people attended this years trip to Bethlehem. http://www.kathweb.at/site/nachrichten/database/43127.html (in German)